Page 8 - Welcome to Posture Pro
P. 8

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•	 AutoDetect - automatically perform a posture screening or exam
•	 Posture Number - Only Posture Pro has it
•	 Effects of Time - Posture is NOT self-correcting. Show patients what they

   might look like with no correction
•	 Q-Angle measurement - An invaluable tool for foot orthotic Rx
•	 Loss of Height Calculations
•	 Additional Spine Forces Measurement - Explains the extra stresses from

   poor posture
•	 Center of Gravity - better than a bi or quad scale
•	 Quick Compare - Quickly compare two exams
•	 Report Over Time - a plot graph showing results of all exams
•	 Group Print - Select a patient or a date range and print all reports for that

•	 Backpack Safety Calculator
•	 On screen drawing tools
•	 Stress Calculator
•	 Leg Length Check
•	 Posture and Backpack safety movie presentations
•	 Stress Calculator
•	 Waist/Hips Calculator
•	 And more!
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