What's Your Posture Number?

A person's posture number tells a lot about their overall health. Click the movie link to watch.

In 1993, I embarked on developing a software program aimed at providing a digital visual analysis of posture. This tool was designed to illustrate to patients how certain anatomical landmarks might deviate from their ideal positions, potentially stressing the spine. The inaugural version of this software, which I named Posture Pro, was launched in 1994 and distributed to customers across 12 floppy disks.

At that time, digital cameras were not widely available, and the ones that existed produced subpar images. However, video cameras equipped with video capture cards were capable of capturing high-quality still images, which we utilized for the software.

Over the years, as my expertise in software development grew, I continuously expanded Posture Pro's features, swiftly advancing through several versions. By the release of Posture Pro 8, we had amassed thousands of users conducting a million posture assessments monthly.

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Posture Pro, signifying an exceptional duration for a software program's relevance and utility. Yet, our journey is far from over. The "Pro" in Posture Pro underscores its professional-grade quality, catering to those who demand the finest in measurement and tracking capabilities. Posture Pro remains unparalleled in value within the industry, backed by a team with profound knowledge of posture analysis. 

- Joseph Ventura D.C.

Posture: It's All About Physical Stress on the Machine

Only Posture Pro calculates the two physical stresses that can wear out the body: Muscle Tension and Compressive Forces.

Posture Pro represents the absolute best value in posture analysis systems. Notice we said "system". When you purchase Posture Pro you are buying the best software, the best training and the best support and service. Period.

Best Software

Posture Pro is the original posture analysis software, introduced in 1994. Since then we have developed many revolutionary features not found anywhere else. Features that make Posture Pro THE choice of health care professionals, shoe companies, fitness certification programs and anyone interested in serious posture evaluations. 

Best Training

We add to the value of your purchase by providing a combination of video and live training. We don't just teach you "how" but also "why". The training is extensive and complete. NO EXTRA CHARGE! And, we aren't done with the training until you tell us we are done. 

Best Support

24/7 support is offered through our Knowledge Base. Start typing in a question and the KB will start showing items to match your request. Every question ever asked about the software is answered in the KB. Nothing is faster. During business hours (Central Time) you can speak to a live person. We even offer remote access support where our trained staff can access you computer to provide the fastest resolution possible, at no extra charge!

Vertical loading in the human body refers to the way gravitational forces act upon the body when it is in an upright position, such as standing or walking. This concept is crucial in understanding how weight and stress are distributed across the body's structures, particularly the spine, joints, and musculoskeletal system. Vertical loading is a fundamental aspect of biomechanics, the study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms.

Key Points on Vertical Loading:

1. Spinal Compression: The spine experiences vertical loading as it supports the weight of the upper body. The intervertebral discs absorb and distribute these forces, acting as cushions. Over time or due to excessive loading, this can lead to wear and tear, potentially resulting in conditions like disc herniation or degenerative disc disease.

2. Joint Stress: Joints, especially those in the lower limbs such as the hips, knees, and ankles, bear significant stress under vertical loading. The distribution of forces can affect joint health, contributing to the development of osteoarthritis or other joint-related issues in some individuals.

3. Muscle Engagement: To maintain posture and balance under vertical loading, various muscle groups across the body are engaged. This includes the core muscles, which play a crucial role in stabilizing the spine and pelvis, as well as leg muscles that support the joints.

4. Impact on Posture: The way vertical forces are loaded can influence posture. Poor posture can lead to an uneven distribution of these forces, exacerbating stress on certain body parts and potentially leading to pain or injury.

5. Adaptations and Injury Prevention: The body adapts to regular vertical loading through bone strengthening and muscle conditioning. Exercise, particularly weight-bearing activities like walking, running, and resistance training, can improve the body's ability to handle these forces, reducing the risk of injury.

6. Biomechanical Analysis: Understanding vertical loading is essential for biomechanical analysis in sports science, ergonomics, and rehabilitation. It helps in designing better training regimens, workplace setups, and therapeutic interventions to minimize the risk of injury and improve performance and health.

In summary, vertical loading is a critical concept in biomechanics, highlighting how gravitational forces impact the human body's structure and function. Proper management of vertical loading through good posture, exercise, and ergonomic practices is vital for maintaining musculoskeletal health and preventing injury.