
Posture Video Help Library: Flash Animations to Help You Get The Most From Your Posture Pro Software

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Note: Posture Pro 7 and Posture Pro 5L Have virtually identical analysis systems and share analysis video help files

Watch Posture Pro 8e Training Video (42 min)


General Video Help

  1. Getting Started with Posture Pro
  2. Reference Modules
  3. Image Options
  4. Importing Images
  5. Full Exam Using AutoDetect
  6. Full Exam Using Manual Method
  7. Analysis Screen Special Features
  8. Backpack Safety Exam
  9. Modified Screening Manual Mode
  10. Modified Screening
  11. Understanding Stress Indicators
  12. Using the Analysis Grid
  13. Distance Calibration for Converting Angles to Distance and Force
  14. Camera Tilt Compensation
  15. Effects of Time Animation
  16. Quick Compare Feature
  17. Comparison Reports with Graphs
  18. Remove an Exam
  19. Backup and Restore Records
  20. Report Language Options
  21. Network Option
  22. Loss of Height Calculations
  23. Watch Movie of how to measure Q-Angle

  24. Move an Exam

















































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